Upcoming Events

Michele’s Upcoming Events

 Get To Know Michele Up Close and Personal at an Event Near You!

Author and Success Expert Michele Wright is excited about the invaluable opportunities to meet success seekers from all diverse walks of life. As a success guru, she exemplifies knowledge, wisdom and understanding in a special and unique form. And above all, she loves meeting people from around the nation to help them uniquely seek and find success.

So, don’t miss a rare opportunity to meet and greet Dr. Michele Wright at a location near you.
Come discover: Unique Advice, A Unique Career, and A Unique Life!

  Click here to have Dr. Wright speak at your next event.

Dr. Wright’s extensive research of some of America’s most outstanding women achievers served as inspiration for her book “Dear Success Seeker: Wisdom from Outstanding Women” and has allowed her to create a groundbreaking success model that she implements in corporations, organizations and educational facilities around the world.

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