Spotlight Success Advice

Use Michele's unique success advice along your path to success. She has made it her life's mission to uniquely help others to seek and discover success. Success is getting what you want on the inside and outside. Some of her advice deals with enjoying your inner journey and celebrating your outer journey. Feel free to contact Michele.

Fruits of Success

You cannot buy the fruits of your success at your local supermarket or convenient store, yet they are the sweetest things in life you'll ever taste. Success is so sweet that everyone wants it. The problem is that most people confuse what success really is. Some have defined it as the latest sports car or the supermodel driving in it with them. Others have defined it as the ability to help others. Both are correct, success is getting what you want on the inside and outside. Just because you are humble doesn't mean you don't deserve the latest Mercedes, and just because you have that Mercedes doesn't mean the model who rides around in it loves you or you love yourself. So my ingredient for success this Season is "reap the fruits of your spirit and labor". Aim for tangible and spiritual success. Everyone knows what he or she wants tangibly; that's almost too easy to decide. So here are more ideas about defining what you may want to obtain spiritually in your path to success. Here's what I mean.

The fruits of the spirit are:

Love Adore what you do for you'll do it 8-10 hours a day for years of your life.

Peace There is no good or bad in anything that happens in your journey. It is all meant to help in your rise to stardom.

Joy You may receive some happiness from being competitive, but true joy comes from working with others to share the credit.

Longsuffering Every challenge you face is making you a better and brighter person to enable the GREAT person you envision to be in the future.

Gentleness Be patient with yourself.

Goodness Have faith in the common good of others. There are many people who will hate and betray you but don't forget about those that will love and help you unconditionally along the way.

Faith Truly believe in your purpose and destiny. When you know something in your heart, there is no need to brag to others.

Meekness Some of greatest world leaders have the quietest voices.

Temperance Control your thoughts, your moods, and actions. You cannot control anyone or anything but yourself.

In the Spirit of Success, celebrate the fruits of your labor and spirit.

If you'd like a private consultation with Success Expert Michele Wright on building and maximizing your opportunities, striving for excellence and achieving unique success, please contact Contact Michele.

Michele will be happy to help you with a roadmap for success.

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